上海滩(shanghai tan)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

CHINESE NEW YEAR EVE --------------------------------------
AWAL LIBUR WEEK2 (I've 2 week holiday from my office. Hah! Enak bgt! Enjoy)

Gw diajak Kat makan dinner bareng (steamboat - cook together, eat together). Ini hari pertama gw kenal2 anak2 gereja MRII Shghai.. Wehhhh.. Seru bgt.. And the people are realli nice!!

Dr kiri: Katherine, Melly, Imelda, gw.

Kat itu anak gereja - dy yg pny rumah. Gw benernya rada sungkan seh.. soalnya pertama kale ketemu kan udah diajak 团圆饭(which is contradictory - coz it's supposed to mean gathering dinner, while gw sendiri baru aja kenal geto). Kita belanja di Super Brand Mall (sampingnya Pearl Oriental). Kat dulu sklh di Seattle tp sklh bahasa satu taon dan skrg kerja di Shanghai. Total time in Shghai: 1.5 years

Melly lulusan S1 & S2 dari jerman (arsitektur) - and she's really nice. Kl ngmg ama temen2 baru bisa 体贴(attentive) bgt "entertain"nya. Udah 3 taon di Shanghai. Katanya pertama kl waktu di Shanghai struggling bgt, pengen balik serasa-nya. I know how it feels man. Tp skrg dy orgnya udah bisa adjust - very well! I'm encouraged. Kdg2 musti survey2 lokasi.. Ceweq2 man.. Wah berat jg ya jd arsitek! Skrg dy lg pindah rumah (dy tinggal deket ama tmpt bos gw yg lama - where I stayed the 1st 2 weeks in Shanghai, dari 中山公园 ke 金沙江 which is one metro stop away)

Imelda - temen Kat. Bonyok mrk saling kenal - mrk jg baru kenal geto. Imelda pagi keesokannya udah pengen k Huangshan (how she eventually ended up going to Huangshan juga aneh - gara2 ada siapa geto yg gak jd pergi, jd ada tempat kosong). Ya lucu lah! Dy di sini kerja (brp lama Imel?? Gw lupa - Tempat kerjanya di Minhang, deket2 tempat kerja Evan). Anehnya lagi Imelda dari Purdue, which is the same as Evan!!!!!! Nah loh! Dunia kecil banget!!! Dy gak kenal Evan - Evan jg skrg masih di Indo (Semarang).. He'll be back soon. Nti gw kasih tau Evan of this character called Imelda.

Overall, nyambung2 aja ngmgnya. Ini hari pertama which leads to 8 days straight gw ama Kat / Melly jalan2 bareng (yes, EIGHT DAYS STRAIGHT). Ada temen2 lain jg yg dtg. Dibawa puter2 Shanghai. Two of them are really very nice people.. (Kebetulan sama2 libur jd ada waktu) - 8 days worth of pictures coming up!!!!


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