上海滩(shanghai tan)

Friday, February 09, 2007

FENGYUN, FINANCE EXPERT......................... (the one holding the Mike)
Ok.. orang2 kantor udah pada cabut semuanya.. Brsan gw pengen selesai-in project gw.. mao ketemu Evan abis ini d XuJiaHui. Mao nyari sepatu. Sepatu gw kemasukan air kl hujan sebel bgt.. (Sepatu yg coklat itu hehehe.. Cien2, lu tau yg mana yeh? Hehe..)

Terus jam 550pm, 5 menit sblm waktu sls, ada satu colleague yg ngobrol ttg finance ama gw. I'm starting to think orang2 finance dy kantor gw itu gila bgt - super jago bgt le.. I mean kl praktek n practical knowledge mgkn gw gak tau sgmn jago mrk, tp ttg cognitive market knowledge.

Nama colleague gw itu Fengyun - dy explain what's happening with the China Stock mkt. Dlm 6 bulan, stock mkt increase a two-fold. Yes a two-fold. Byk reasons-nya - pertama ttg peran pemerintah untuk allow opening up a large portion of their companies assets to be securitised. Dy jg blg Shanghai byk bgt companies yg listed itu state-owned. For a private-owned companies to be listed, it must be a super super solid company (beda ama Spore ya). Terus what happens all the foreign reserve - China kan lagi gila2an build up reserve. Justru di-invest ke property, and causing the land price like those in Shanghai to become extremely high. Nah, menurut Fengyun companies kyk Morgan Stanley pada invest d China's CBD - and the way they put it is by PLOTS. Wah gila bgt lah. I mean Spore itu kecil bgt - and Spore government kl release CBD area itu bit by bit. Br aja release plot of land beside Wheelock itu kan. China is far too expansive. Dy jg cerita ttg Shanghai pny major yg brsan di-sack gara2 corruption of something like that. Mkt sentiments about land price is that itu udah mandek. Dan skrg the money is flowing to .. yes the money market.

Anyway Audrey jg pernah blg front-end managers di Spore don't know what they're talking about - she used to say that Hongkpng counterparts are much better in dealing with the customers and they know what they're talking about. Dy blg Spore pny itu semua graduate dan Hongkong pny very experienced. And subsequently she pulled out her money from Spore. Hah. (Ok.. gw gak mao ketawain Spore lagi lahh... jahat)

Dy ngmg ttg junk bonds - dy cerita ttg father of junk bonds: Milken. Gmn caranya dy popularise junk bonds. He issues a medium-sized company's junk bonds to ACQUIRE a larger company's asset with the promise that he will give them back the liabilities using the larger company's profit. Simple se.. very basic.. tp interesting and powerful concept.


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