WEEK 3 WEEKEND OVERTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wah udah lama gak nulis blog jd byk yg musti gw update. Just like what a Newtonian would say "For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction", so for every intresting event and happening, there must be an equally-scintillating blog entry.
Hr ini gw sendirian d rmh. Gw dapet off karena weekend kmrn disuruh double-OT sama bos (sabtu n minggu). Dan pada akhirnya .. on Sunday 6 pm kerjaan gw blm selesai and bos gw blg "eh ok go and sleep". Heh? Gw kaget. I mean gw udah slog the whole weekend buat ngerjain ini yg deadline-nya hari ini then lu suruh gw pulang tidur? I mean .. anti-klimaks abiez bok.. But that's precisely what I heard. Gw sempet bingung. In a normal school context, a Prof wouldn't tell u "do this project for 13 weeks" and at the end of the 13 weeks he said "ok class, let's go and sleep". I mean it's just ridiculous. (Note: the root word of ridiculous is to "ridicule" - yg artinya "tertawain org") Haha. Gw sempet rack mi brains out trying to figure out what does a motivational book say I shd do if this happens - um.. none. What does God say I shd do when mi boss tells me to do the project for the whole week and at the end say "do it no more. Go and sleep"? Mirip seperti cerita Abraham mao ngebunuh Isaac. Hmm. The angel of the Lord said (to Abraham), 'Do not raise your hand against the boy ; do not touch him" and so The angel of the Lord said to Norman, 'Do not continue with Audrey's project anymore, do it no more I say". Kaget lah gw. Sempet 不知所措 (bu4 zhi1 suo3 cuo4) dunno what to do.
Ya sudah. So I packed mi laptop and left the office. That nite gw sama Sandra muter2 People's Square (人民广场 ren2 min2 guang3 chang3) k Capitaland's Raffles City. Biasa weekend di sini is enjoyable beda bgt ama d SMU. Kita pergi beli baju dari UniQlo (hehe.. Sando suka tempat itu karena huge n clean n harga2nya terpampang jelas). Gw sendiri se gw suka bajunya - bukan suka tempatnya. Tempatnya bikin gw berasa kyk d some tacky store like Giordano in Spore. Gw beli sweat shirt warna hijo army n celana bawahan. I'm using those as pyjamas – Sando blg “kebagusan kale buat pake tidur”. But I mean I hv only 1 pyjamas atasan berbulu warna merah itu – itu pun beli dr UniQlo (toko yg sama). Terus bawahannya celana sweat abu2 dari Carrefour Puri Indah. Itu tok – gak ada baju lain lagi. I mean it’s really nice enough for me to wear to SMU – emank bagus.. Tapi sayangnya I dun have pyjamas!! Haha…
Terus we have this favourite fruit bar at B1 – kita suka bgt tempatnya soalnya the fruit juice itu made rite before your eyes and gak nambah es macam2 jd rasa buahnya still intact. Fruit juice plg murah d sono 6 yuan ($1.20). Cheap la considering the place is quite high-brow. Gw se udah pernah nyoba tangerine honey 2 minggu lalu, kl ini gw coba carrot juice. This time it wasn’t that great – tp the experience of weekend d negara bukan Spore, I mean it’s enjoyable banget... Terus kita pergi cuci mata – FCUK, Guess, Aldo.. Tp didn’t buy anything la – biasa. Hehe. Pulang keluar dari mall-nya udara dingin2. Skali keluar mall kita can see the Shanghai Urban Planning centre (going to dere soon prolly) directly depan kita and Radisson hotel (ada revolving restaurant d tmpt paling atas-nya).
Nyeberang jalan k MRT realize ada org minta2 yg “oh man… sorry to say but she stinks” I mean really parah bgt. Proximity-nya bener2 deket bgt, beda la sama Jkt. Kl d Jkt pengemis kan mayan disiplin teratur duduk samping jalan (kecuali minta2 dari mobil) tp d sini parah man – udah child abuse anak2 umur satu taon pipinya dadu geto disuruh minta2, terus d dlm MRT jg ada yg minta2: OH KAMBING GW.
But we walked past them anyways when the light turned green. Masuk k tunnel mrt – kita ngelihat ada org jualan boneka2 soft toy geto. Kita udah jalan like 30-40 metres Sando blg “yuk kita balik lihat2 soft toy geto”. Boneka-nya I have to say I don’t know whether it’s real of not. Kualitet import neng! Dijual ama abang2 geto tp buagus-nya kyk d dept store. Kyknya nyuri atau beli murah dari Pabrik geto. And cheap buanget lagi.. kyk misalnya Mickey classic geto ada tag Disney-nya. Looks damn real lah.. Sando beli bbrp pada akhirnya, gw jg ada beli.
Anyway about bargaining. Gw se gila aja kl bargaining. Kurang bisa bargain se honestly – tp nyali gw gede – gw tawar aja hehe.. Gila gw kyk kmrn nawar barang di Bali – I mean I’m damn ruthless man! Gila. Modal nyali. Mao gak segini harganya – gak mao ya udah.. Sampe Hendry juga blg gw gila. Kl ini Sando blg “aduh kasihan orgnya lah – udah jgn di-rendahin lagi”. Tau dech kl gw d Mangdu se plg kgk bisa nawar, soalnya enci2 Mangdu pada cinko militant semua – kalah lah gw. Hahaha.
Oh anyway when we walked past by that place ada polisi – gila itu yg jualan boneka itu kan PKL (pedagang lima kaki) semua. Ya mao digerebek lah. Susah lah mrk. Kasihan juga dateng k kota besar kyk Shanghai gak ada skill mao digerebek lagi. Tp untungnya kali ini mrk gak ada yg dirazia. Phew!
So nowadays kita tiap malam kl pulang itu pasti baca something la. Koran China Daily favouritenya Sando (I oso like it – very insightful gak kyk Straitz Timez jelek bizniz section jelek). Terus kmrn sempet mao bljr Chinese tp yg bahasa2 ekonomi (k Lawson – convenience store samping rumah) found this interesting book – laporan prediksi ekonomi Cungkuo untuk taon 2007, all in Chinese. I was like “oh my goodness” Wow.. Bagus banget. Tp satu artikel pendek geto I take one hour to read. Aduh byk banget kata2 Chinese yg gw gak ngerti – contohnya the word ‘foreign reserve’ in Chinese? Um.. ‘Data’? ‘Capital’? ‘Offset?’ Rese se emank tp I hope can learn more Chinese business words lah.
Speaking about China.. Tuh kan negara lg berkembang kali, not more evident than Shanghai yg considered really prospering. Shanghai pop accounts for only 1% of the whole China’s pop, and Shanghai area only 0.06% of the whole China area. But the city brings in ONE-EIGHTH of China’s financial revenue, ONE-QUARTER of China’s X+M, cargo handling capacity of Shanghai port accounts for 1/10 of handling capacity of all of China’s ports. So can tell bahwa negara ini sort of a icon of China to the world. Oleh karena itu the whole city is being spruced up, similar to Beijing preparing for their 2008 Olympics – everywhere u hear about Olympics.
Denger2 dari bos gw se katanya Shanghai ngikutin Spore dalam perkembangan kota dan politik-nya. Krn tmpt ini byk foreigner-nya maka itu mrk harus exhibit their political stability, guard civil security, be tough on anti-corruption stance, advocate environmental sustainability, stem out piracy, uphold social justice, provide favourable business climate n yada yada yada.. Terus politik-nya n freedom of speech.. nah ini.. caught my interest. Gmn se politik-nya Shanghai? Ternyata sudah byk berubah dari komunis k sosialis! Skrg sms2an k news channel kyk di Indo about your views & opnions. (Kl d Spore se CUMA ada caught any interesting happening kirim k Straits Times, atao post ur useless senseless shallow comments to Stomp forum) Kasian de org cinpur. Kyk di Indo public opinions udah mulai openly aired – beda bgt ama Spore. And guess knp mrk adopt the Spore political model? Precisely! Karena Spore sama kyk Cina itu ONE-POLITICL PARTY dominated. Yah.. Ngerti dech skrg..
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